Financial Services
Grow your earnings
Wherever you are contracting around the world, invariably you will be making more money and have less expenses than you did at home. Just leaving the money building up in a bank account month on month is not the best thing to do most of the time. Let us help you grow your earnings and make the most of your international status.
Retirement planning
The importance of saving for your retirement cannot be overstated. As an expat you may have removed yourself from your home tax system and thus are no longer contributing to a state pension entitlement. That is, one that may or may not still exist when you retire.
Retirement planning
The importance of saving for your retirement cannot be overstated. As an expat you may have removed yourself from your home tax system and thus are no longer contributing to a state pension entitlement. That is, one that may or may not still exist when you retire.
Lump sum investments
Cash may be king in certain circumstances but it certainly isn’t in investment terms at the moment. If you have a lump sum in cash in a bank anywhere in the world and are looking to make more out of it then let us know. We have a wide variety of investment options which we will tailor to your risk profile.
Lets Talk
Whether you want a quick opinion, or a full description of our various service options, are just curious or want to introduce yourself, feel free to get in touch